Create Your Own Psych Tech Today
Trial Plan
plus $1250/mo
A new model/framework centered around consumer psychology
A custom technology platform to measure your model/framework.
NO technical paper that shows the psychometric validity and reliability of your model/framework
NO research report that shows why it's important to use your model/framework
- Application support M-F 9am - 5pm ET
- Free system maintenance and updates
- Auto-Launch Surveys
- NO ability to self-launch surveys
- NO ability to build your own surveys
- NO access to projective testing questions from our Brand Blots platform.
- Access your score
- Access to the dimensions that compose your score
- Access to our Prediction AI
- Access to our Recommendation AI
- Access to client tracking module
- NO access to our analytics integration
- Fielding surveys can ONLY use Inkblot Answers for a panel provider.
Basic Plan
plus $2250/mo
A new model/framework centered around consumer psychology
A custom technology platform to measure your model/framework
A technical paper that shows the psychometric validity and reliability of your model/framework
NO research report that shows why it's important to use your model/framework
- Application support M-F 9am - 5pm ET
- Free system maintenance and updates
- Auto-Launch Surveys
- NO ability to self-launch surveys
- NO ability to build your own surveys
- Access to projective testing questions from our Brand Blots platform.
- Access your score
- Access to the dimensions that compose your score
- Access to our Prediction AI
- Access to our Recommendation AI
- Access to client tracking module
- Access to our analytics integration
- Fielding surveys can ONLY use Inkblot Answers for a panel provider.
Enhanced Plan
plus $3250/mo
A new model/framework centered around consumer psychology
A custom technology platform to measure your model/framework
A technical paper that shows the psychometric validity and reliability of your model/framework
A research report that shows why it's important to use your model/framework
- Application support 9am - 9pm ET
- Free system maintenance and updates
- Auto-Launch Surveys
- Access to self-launch surveys
- Access to build your own surveys
- Access to projective testing questions from our Brand Blots platform.
- Access your score
- Access to the dimensions that compose your score
- Access to our Prediction AI
- Access to our Recommendation AI
- Access to client tracking module
- Access to our analytics integration
- Fielding surveys can use ANY panel provider.
Note: Hard costs or out-of-pocket costs (e.g., survey sample costs) are not included in the above fees
Need clarification?
What do you mean by a "model or framework"?
During the first month of our engagement, we work with your internal stakeholder to create something unique to YOUR brand. We take a look at your positioning to develop a proprietary framework that fits perfectly with your brand, and the services you offer.
For example, if you go to our "WORK" page, you can take a look at our case for The Sawtooth Group. When working with The Sawtooth Group, we helped create the framework for I-Factor, a measure of brand irresistibility.
What does a "custom tech platform" look like?
It can look like whatever you want!
But if you want to see an example application we built, you can signup for one of our beta applications.
This one let's you take our digital inkblot test, and can predict your scores on different psychographic variables:
Do you have an example of a technical paper?
This pdf (you can download it) is a technical paper on some of the measurements in our Brand Blots Platform. It includes:
- The psychometric properties of our psychological measurements, including validity and reliability.
- The accuracy/prediction of our machine learning models.
Do you have an example of a research report?
This pdf (you can download it) is a research report on independent consultants and the pressures they feel.
You can easily use it for:
- social content
- New prospect outreach
- lead forms for inbound leads
- PR and buzz
- or a number of other uses
How can I use your "Psych Tech Ecosystem"?
Our Psych Tech Ecosystem includes seven (7) platforms that use psychographics for different purposes.
Any parts of these platforms can be connected to the platform we make for you. You can use our tech and our data to enhance your offerings.
Just tell us what you want to use and how you ant to use it, and we'll build the infrastructure to make it happen.