About Our Product Licenses

Last Updated: January 1, 2025

White Label License:

  • By way of an Order Form, a limited license is being granted for Customer to access a
    customized version of Product.
    • Customer will have access as a “Customer Admin” user role.
  • This limited license allows Customer to provide Clients with restricted access to the Product.
    • Client will have access as a “Customer User” user role.
    • Customer cannot provide Client access as a Customer Admin.
    • Customer cannot show Client features of the platform available to the “Customer
      Admin” role.
  • Customer is required to have their Clients sign Inkblot’s EULA.
  • If Inkblot makes updates, changes, or modifications to the EULA in any way, all personnel desiring to continue accessing Product will be required to agree to the updated terms. Such agreement may be made by a user’s accessing Product after such terms have been updated by Inkblot.

Limited Client Access License:

  • By way of this Order Form, a limited license is being granted for Customer to use the Product for a specific number of Client(s).
    • The specific number of Clients should be approved in advance by Inkblot.
    • Client(s) name(s) should be identified in advance and approved by Inkblot.
  • This limited license allows Customer to provide Client access to the Product.
  • Customer is required to have their Client sign Inkblot’s EULA.
  • If Inkblot makes updates, changes, or modifications to the EULA in any way, all personnel desiring to continue accessing any Product will be required to agree to the updated terms. Such agreement may be made by a user’s accessing a Product after such terms have been updated by Inkblot.

Limited Customer Use License:

  • By way of this Order Form, a limited license is being granted for Customer to use the Product for Client deliverables.
  • This limited license allows Customer to use Product Contents in Client Deliverables but does not allow Customer to provide access to or show the Product to Client.

Limited In-App Use License:

  • By way of this Order Form, a limited license is being granted for Customer to use the Product in Customer’s web application.
  • This limited license allows Customer to use Product Contents in their application but does not allow Customer to provide access to or show the Product to the web application’s End User.
  • Customer is required to have their End Users sign Inkblot’s EULA.
  • If Inkblot makes updates, changes, or modifications to the EULA in any way, all End Users desiring to continue accessing the Product Content will be required to agree to the updated terms. Such agreement may be made by an End User’s accessing the Product Contents after such terms have been updated by Inkblot

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