A New Digital Approach To Psychometrics

Add psychological depth to your customer database with Psychologize, the first AI-enabled API for psychographic data integration.


What Does It Mean to Psychologize?

psy·chol·o·gize | \ sī-ˈkä-lə-ˌjīz\

transitive verb
: to explain or interpret in psychological terms.

Psychologize Login


Psychologize is our API that uses our patent-pending algorithms to predict attitudinal and behavioral aspects about a respondent with great accuracy. The core benefit for you? Instantly, add psychological depth to your customers so you can better meet their needs.

Your Core Use Case

Easily Append Psychographic Information To Any Customer Dataset.

Most companies only collect demographic data from their customers. But two people with the same demographic profile might have vastly different psychographics. Psychologize is our proprietary API that helps brands add psychological depth to each of their customers profiles. Simply post your customer data using our API, and have it return predicted interests, attitudes, and scores on other psychological traits.

How Does It Work?

There are three ways to make use of our Psychologize API:


Administer One of Our Proprietary Surveys and Post the Results



Post Key Psychological Indicators You Collected Elsewhere


Post Customer Demographics And/Or Purchase History

Key Platform Features

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Patent-Pending Algorithms

The Psychologize API is built on top of our patent-pending platform for psychological insights. This platform deploys a series of machine learning algorithms that can accurately predict your scores on countless psychological variables.

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Multiple Data Sources

To train and test the machine learning models within our API, Psychologize uses data from multiple sources. This includes data that brands collect about their consumers, data from different iOS applications, and our own surveys with proprietary data. All of this data helps us validate our models so you know you're getting accurate results.

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All Aspects of Psychology

The Psychologize API has the biggest selection of psychological variables on which to score respondents. By querying our API, you are able to learn so much more about the psychological composition of your customers or users.

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Find Out Scores for a Specific Trait

Interested to know a user’s score on specific psychological traits? For example, looking to only target those who are extroverted? Use our Trait API to find the right people.

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Find a Person's Profile

Could your business benefit from learning someone’s psychological profile? For example, maybe a risk profile would benefit a business working in investments. Inkblot has a number of psychological profiles you could use to enhance your business offerings.

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Find a Psychological Match

Looking to match your users with another person? Or with another products? Or even a job? Use our psychological match API to enhance how you match your users.


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